How to Enjoy Train Travel to the Fullest

Vacation travel by train may not be for everyone, but those that give it a try will likely find it a leisurely way to see plenty of countryside without doing the driving yourself. Here are a few steps that can be taken before and during your journey that will help you get on track to a great getaway.

Things You'll Need

  • Camera
  • Binoculars
  • Ear plugs
  • Reading material
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    • 1

      Talk to friends or try a travel chat room online to see what train travel is truly like, and whether it's right for you. If you're impatient about reaching your final stop, for example, this might not be the mode of transport for you.

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      More than ever, the phrase about traveling being "a journey and not a destination" is true with train travel. So make sure you're not only arriving at a compelling destination, but traveling through some intriguing terrain as well.

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      When booking your train sojourn, make sure to plan several weeks in advance if you're planning to stay in a sleeping car. This is particularly important, of course, during the summer and other peak travel times.

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      Bring along ways to amuse yourself and any possible companions. Books, decks of cards, "travel" versions of board games, and music listening gadgets are some ideal items in this realm.

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      If you have trouble sleeping, think about bringing some kind of sleep aid along, and earplugs can help as well. Some people fall right asleep on trains, but others are kept awake by the occasional abrupt shifting or noise from the rails.

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      While train travel can be a great way to meet people, respect the privacy of others as much as you'd like them to respect yours. Someone just gazing out the window at scenery is probably more into a chat, for example, than someone with their nose buried deep in a book or magazine.

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      Consider keeping a travel journal. In coming years it might be interesting to look back on your reflections on the scenery and journey, and train travel allows you to comment on a destination just as you're passing through it.

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      Take some time to enjoy the various locales where your train stops, time allowing. Countless old train stations in the U.S., for example, have been refurbished and are well worth exploring.

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