How to Get Ready for a Foreign Trip as a Senior

Senior travel to foreign countries can be just as rewarding and fun as at any younger age. Careful planning well in advance and paying attention to special health needs will make the difference between a memorable trip and a nightmare. Here are specific steps that will get the mind and body ready for an extended trip.


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      Prepare physically for the trip at least 6 months in advance. Check with a doctor about the need for any immunizations and get copies of any prescriptions. A Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) may be able to suggest supplements to build up immunity. Consider an exercise routine if not already doing this, since considerable walking may be involved on the trip.

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      Begin shifting sleep patterns at least a month in advance if significant time zone changes are involved. For example, for an 8-hour time change from the West Coast to Europe, start going to bed and getting up 30 minutes earlier. Gradually increase this time until your body clock is ready to adjust to arrival time on the day of departure.

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      Prepare the mind for the trip by reading and studying in detail about the intended site. Take an introductory course in the language if visiting a country where English is not the predominant language. While it’s likely that many people contacted will have some English, if nothing else this study will broaden and exercise the mind.

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      Contact credit card companies and banks in advance to inform them of the planned travel and inquire about using ATM and credit cards in the intended destination countries. Use the telephone number on the back of the cards. Obtain several hundred dollars worth of foreign currency as well as carrying an equal amount in U.S. currency before departure, and carry this in a money belt.

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      Make duplicate copies of all reservation confirmations—air and land transportation, hotels, tours, other pre-booked items and telephone contact numbers. Take one copy along and leave a second with a trusted individual at home. Make copies of credit cards, passport, passport photos, any other identification being carried and traveler’s checks.

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      Plan packing carefully and rehearse by pre-packing days in advance. Limit the luggage to one carry-on with wheels. This speeds up the airport, hotel transfer and other changes during the voyage. Take along duplicates of hard-to-replace toiletries, makeup and other small items. Carry a plastic pill box with medications and supplements in a purse, small backpack or even better, in a multi-pocketed, reversible travel vest.

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