How to Get Senior Travel Insurance

Retirement is a time when many people choose to sit back and relax. However, many senior citizens spend their golden years traveling. A good idea for them might be to invest in senior travel insurance. There are many types of policies and requirements for senior travel insurance. It is wise to investigate companies offering this type of insurance and see what rates and coverages work best for you. Read on to learn more.


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      Decide how often you will be traveling in a calendar year. Most senior travel insurance plans will offer annual multi-trip coverage or single-trip coverage.

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      Choose the type of coverage you want. Most senior travel insurance policies have three components: medical assistance, medical evacuation and trip cancellation. Options may include legal expenses, accident and coverage for lost or stolen property.

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      Check your home health insurance policy: You may be covered in some situations when you are away from home and not even know it.

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      Get quotes from insurance companies. Most companies offer free quotes online. However, if you can't access a computer or an Internet connection, make a phone call. Some insurance companies even offer a dedicated line for senior citizens to walk them through the process.

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      Relax! Once all your homework is done and you have a policy in place that you are comfortable with, head off on your trip with peace of mind--and don't forget the suntan lotion!

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