How to Get Senior Airfares

Seniors used to get a big break on air travel. These days, discount senior air fares are much harder to come by, and often your best bet is to search online for the best Internet rates just as less mature travelers do. In certain situations, though, senior status can win you a big break. Here's when and how to take advantage of your seniority.


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      Figure out when you need to travel. If you have flexibility with your dates or are making your plans more than two weeks before you need to depart, being a senior isn't going to be of any advantage in most situations. Try an Internet search tool like or, and check the websites for discount carriers like Southwest and Airtran as well if they fly where you need to go.

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      Call the toll-free numbers for airlines such as Alaska, America West, American, Continental, Delta, Hawaiian, Midwest, Northwest and Southwest if you need to make immediate travel arrangements--or want to travel on a peak travel date like Thanksgiving. Few other airlines offer senior discounts; the complete list is available at

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      Compare the senior rate to the lowest available Internet price before booking over the phone. If the senior rate is lower, call back to make your travel arrangements. You must have a credit card to reserve your ticket.

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      Bring a driver's license with you to the airport. You may need it not only to go through security, but also to verify your age.

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