How to Pack for a Trip to Ireland

Ireland is perpetually covered in a wet, dreary fog. Although temperatures are fairly mild year-round, they never get very high. Expect chilly weather on your trip no matter when you go. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when packing for your Gaelic adventure.


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      Pack a raincoat, poncho, umbrella or all of the above. Ireland is an island and rain is common, so go prepared to get wet.

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      Select warm clothing such as sweaters, long-sleeved shirts and sweatshirts. Or, wait until you get there and buy one of the wool sweaters for which Ireland is famous.

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      Include some short-sleeved shirts during the summer months, but plan on wearing long sleeves much of the time.

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      Pick dark-colored clothing, especially pants. Darker colors hide when you get wet and muddy from the regular downpours.

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      Bring a windbreaker or a coat. The weight will depend on the part of the year in which you are visiting. During summer months, a lightweight windbreaker over a long-sleeved t-shirt should be enough.

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      Have a hat at the ready for protecting your head from the chill of coastal winds. Ireland is well-known for its hats, so you could also wait and get one upon arrival.

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      Choose comfortable, weather-proof shoes for you hiking along the craggy coastal rocks.

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      Take long johns to wear under clothing, especially if you are going during the colder months.

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