How to Pack for an Overnight Field Trip

Overnight field trips are exciting events for kids and teens. They offer an opportunity to explore new places and have new experiences with classmates and teachers, which can be both fun and educational. It can be challenging to know what to pack for the trip. Space is often limited, so you can't take too many items, but you also need to have enough clothes and accessories. Prepare carefully and you can pack just the right amount of items to comfortably get through your trip.


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      Pack your clothes. Take into account the climate of your destination and time of year of the trip. If it's warm during the day and cold at night, you should pack clothing appropriately, perhaps items that can be layered so you can easily adapt to changing weather situations. Include a jacket, pajamas, clean underwear and an extra pair of clean socks, in case yours get wet. Remember this an overnight trip, so don't overpack.

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      Find out if you need to bring sleeping gear. If you do need to bring your own items for sleeping, include a sleeping bag, pillow and extra blanket, if you so choose.

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      Bring toiletries for your trip. If you're staying in a hotel, shampoo and soap may be provided, but it's better to bring your own just in case. Travel-size bottles are widely available. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, brush or comb, and contact solution and case, if applicable. It's a good idea to pack sunscreen and insect repellant, depending on the season and where you're going. Also don't forget any medications you need and that most schools require a signed permission slip for medication.

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      Pack entertainment and a camera. You may want to bring items to keep you engaged for the transportation part of the trip. Check with school or church officials about what devices are permitted, such as mp3 players, laptop computers or handheld video game systems.

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