How to Pack for a Trip to Mexico

Packing for a trip to Mexico shouldn't be too difficult if you know what type of weather you will encounter. In the summer it is amazingly hot and you will need to know what to bring to make yourself feel comfortable. Even if you choose to go during the winter, the heat will be great.

Things You'll Need

  • Suitcase
  • Sun block
  • Beach umbrella
  • Towels
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      Sit down and write out every item that will be suitable for your Mexican adventure trip.

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      Take light clothes. Pack linen pants, shorts or shirts. Take tank tops and light T-shirts. Don't forget to pack wraps and a bathing suit for the beach.

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      Take loads of sun block with you. Try to spend only an hour or so on the beach each day and wear sun block even when doing activities or swimming.

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      Buy travel guides and a Spanish phrase book. The phrase book will help you ask for what you need when you are in town, and the local people will appreciate your efforts to speak their language.

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      Bring some dressy clothes for dining, depending on the hotel you will be staying at. Take breezy comfortable clothes for the day and some nice outfits for dining out.

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      Remember your cameras and video cameras for this trip. Take a few rolls of film with you just in case you get to go on some sightseeing or historical tours.

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