How to Pack for a Trip Lightly

Part of traveling without stress is having luggage you can actually carry around without having to stop every few feet to take a break. Packing light will make you happier and will be cheaper in the long run. Follow a few of these simple guidelines to help you pack lightly and make your traveling experience a successful and enjoyable one.

Things You'll Need

  • Backpack or small suitcase
  • Travel size toiletries
  • Extra bag
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      Check the weather in advance. If you have a good idea of what the weather conditions will be like at your destination, you can plan your clothing much easier. If you plan on having hot weather, bring clothing that will keep you cool, but also bring a light jacket or sweatshirt just in case it gets cold. If you plan on having cold weather, bring clothing that can be layered, including a short sleeved shirt, in case it warms up.

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      Minimize clothing options. First pack the necessities such as undergarments and socks. Lay out all other clothing you are contemplating taking and analyze each article of clothing, ultimately deciding if you really need it or not. Limit yourself to the smallest amount of clothing possible--since clothes can get very heavy when there are a lot of them in your bags.

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      Pack travel size toiletries. Toiletries such as razors, toothpaste, shampoo, or conditioner will have to be checked in a bag at the airport due to increased security measures. Don’t bring a jumbo sized shampoo or conditioner with you. Instead, pack a travel size shampoo or conditioner. If you need more when you get to your destination, buy another travel size container or a regular sized container and give away the rest of the product to a friend or family member when you’re done with it.

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      Limit the amount of shoes you bring. If you are going to travel light, you don’t need to pack a pair of shoes for each outfit you plan on wearing. Plan on the shoes you are wearing and another pair of shoes. If there is room, you can also pack some flip flops. Shoes take up a lot of space and can add unnecessary extra weight.

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      Pack clothes that don’t need ironing. Knit, gabardine, and denim retain their shape well when traveling and won’t wrinkle easily. Avoid packing linen, silk, and cotton which wrinkle easily, unless you have an iron you can use at the destination you are traveling to.

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      Pack in advance. Packing in advance can be beneficial because you won’t be rushing when you are packing. If you are rushing while packing, you may forget to pack something or pack unnecessary things.

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      Make room for souvenirs. If you plan on bringing goodies home from your trip, leave room in your bag for the souvenirs or bring an extra bad. You don’t want to fill your bag to the maximum and risk the bag busting open during transfers.

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