How do I Pack for a European Trip?

New travelers to Europe are famous for over-packing as they bring one of everything "just in case." The most important thing to remember is that Europe is part of the developed world and that anything you need you will be able to find.
  1. Your Luggage Size

    • If traveling to more than one destination during your visit to Europe, you will inevitably be rolling your luggage along far more than you think. Much European inter-city travel occurs by rail, and so fitting your items into snug and often over-full luggage racks is a consideration. Keep things to one suitcase with wheels and one carry-on at maximum.

    Essential Items

    • European outlets are shaped differently.

      Things you will need on your Europe trip include a power adapter to convert European 220 volt power if you will be using electronics (keep in mind laptops and cell phones will operate with power sources from 110-230 volts), as well as converting European 2 circular prong plug to your local plug shape. Although often readily available, bring along any prescription medicines you may require as well as any over-the-counter items which may be difficult to find due to differences in medicine or brand names overseas (for example Pepto-Bismol is not sold on the European continent).

    Helpful Items

    • First aid kits are almost always of use.

      A first-aid kit is always a useful item to bring along on any journey and you will be surprised how often you use it. An ATM card with a four-digit pass code is also a life saver as you will find the rates far cheaper when withdrawing your own money from local European banks than exchanging foreign currency or travelers checks. There are no conversion fees or ATM fees assessed in Europe. Check your local banks for the ones that do not charge foreign transaction conversion fees.


    • Doing laundry will lighten your load.

      This is the majority of what you pack and will have to carry, so choose wisely. Based on season, take layers of clothing which can be added and removed as needed rather than bulky items. Fleece is a godsend thanks to its weight and warmth, as are linen shirts and fine-weave shorts. Bring less and wash your clothes more often. You may be tired of your outfits by the end of the trip but you would be more tired of lugging your gear if you had packed more.

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