Travel Tips for the Elderly

Many older people enjoy their senior years by traveling around the globe to experience the sights and cultures of other nations. These vacations and holidays can be very enjoyable, but planning what to do and when to do it before leaving for any destination is essential. Here are some travel tips for seniors that can keep stress to a minimum and travel experiences memorable.
  1. Geography

    • Many travel agencies offer discounts to seniors. An added benefit to booking with a travel agent specializing to seniors is being able to choose destinations that are age-specific. This means the itinerary will include accommodations that allow the older traveler time to rest between sightseeing adventures. There are many tourist vacation spots that are also available for mobility-impaired travelers. The travel agent specializing in senior packages will be able to make wheelchair-accessible accommodations or other special arrangements.

    Time Frame

    • Give yourself plenty of time to enjoy what you came to see. Do not rush to take in all the sights at once. Plan to do sightseeing in stages. The itinerary should include frequent stops for casual relaxation. When taking in the sights of a major European city, for example, take time to enjoy the sidewalk cafes or other specialty restaurants in the area. Thirty-minute breaks can give the weary traveler time to rest, relax and take in the culture; 7 countries in 7 days is just not realistic for many senior travelers.


    • Medications are necessary for some seniors. Either take enough for the trip or make sure a pharmacy is available to refill any prescriptions needed while traveling. Some medications may not be taken into all countries. This should be checked prior to leaving on any vacation. Also remember that some types of medicine will not be available in other countries should you run out while traveling.
      There are medical supply companies which will deliver wheelchairs and other equipment for special needs travelers to certain hotels around the globe. Many airlines and cruise ships offer special accommodations for the less mobile senior. Do not be afraid to ask for any special equipment you may need while traveling.


    • Ask about taking pets with you when traveling. Some countries require special vaccinations for pets as well as people.
      Always take an extra pair of glasses when traveling should you lose the first pair.
      For people with respiratory problems, things like altitude and pollution levels should be considered when choosing vacation destinations.
      Always keep a letter from your doctor on hand that lists any medical conditions and the medications necessary for treatment. Keep medications in the original containers when traveling.
      Dress conservatively. Flashy jewelry or expensive clothes can attract thieves.
      Carry a minimal amount of cash for tipping. All other currency should be in the form of traveler's checks or credit cards.
      Keep all PIN numbers separate from the credit/debit cards you plan to use.
      Contact information for credit cards and banks should be kept in the luggage in case your wallet/purse is lost or stolen.
      Carry only the credit cards needed when traveling.


    • Preparing for the vacation in advance will help to keep your travel experience a safe and enjoyable one. Asking for any special accommodations will ensure less stress and fewer aggravations while traveling. Well-planned vacations lessen the chance of disappointment. Experiencing the many sights available does not have to leave you needing a vacation from your vacation.

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