How to Migrate to Australia

People interested in migrating to Australia can choose an appropriate visa application from several categories. Some categories grant the applicants conditional temporary visas before they can obtain permanent residency two years later.

Things You'll Need

  • Visa application
  • Supporting documents
  • Application fees
  • Tax File Number
  • Bank account
  • Australian Medicare registration
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  1. Obtain a Migrant Visa

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      Determine your family migration status. Those immigrating to Australia using the family category can apply for visas under several subcategories, including partner or fiancé of an Australian citizen, children of an Australian citizen, parents of an Australian citizen, other family members, and family members of those who have been granted five-year permanent humanitarian visas.

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      Determine your appropriate status under the skilled worker category. Those migrating to Australia for work can select from the following visa categories: employer-sponsored workers, professional and other skilled migrants, businesspeople, specialist entry, doctors and nurses, regional employment, Australia Needs Skills expos, air and sea crew, and Pacific seasonal-worker pilot scheme.

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      Select an appropriate immigrant status in the Business Development category. The visas for business visits, business development-provisional and business development-permanent can be used to apply for permanent residence.

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      Determine whether you qualify to migrate to Australia using the Distinguished Talent visa. Internationally recognized talents who are still active can use this visa to apply for permanent residence in Australia. An eligible person or organization must nominate a qualified applicant for this visa.

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      Apply for a visa. Download the appropriate visa application from the Web site of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Complete the form and attach the necessary fees as well as the required supporting documents. The required documents will be listed on the application forms.

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      Submit your application. If you are living in Australia, you may submit your application and supporting documents, by mail or in person, to an Australian immigration office. If you are outside of Australia, send your application to the nearest Australian mission.

    Settle in Australia

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      Enroll your child in a school. Australian law requires children to attend school until they are 15 years old.

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      Obtain a Tax File Number. You will need a TFN to work in Australia. You can apply for this number online or have the application form sent to you from the Australian Taxation Office.

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      Register with Medicare to receive free and subsidized health care services. You will need to show your travel documents at the Medicare office within seven to 10 days of your arrival in Australia.

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      Open a bank account within six weeks of arrival. You will need one to receive income from your job. You can show just your passport to obtain an account if you have recently arrived, but if you open an account after six weeks, you will need other supporting documents.

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      Register with Centrelink. Centrelink helps those in need by providing family-assistance payments and other services such as assistance in securing a job and improving one's job skills.

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      Obtain a driver's license. If you are a permanent resident with a driver's license from another country, you can drive without an Australian license for the first three months of your stay. After this time, you must apply for an Australian driver's license.

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