Typical Weather for Milan in September

Milan is the second largest city in Italy. This inland gem can often be somewhat humid in the summer, but the heat wanes in September replaced by more temperate, crisp weather. September is a popular month to travel to Milan because of the Milano Moda Donna, Milan's version of New York's Fashion Week. The city welcomes the fashion industry from all around the world. Weather can be a little unpredictable, but you can usually count on pleasant weather.

  1. Temperature

    • The average temperature during the month of September is a comfortable 75 F, according to the Milan & the Lakes Eyewitness Travel Guide. The average low temperature is 52 F. As the month approaches the end and moves towards October, which is generally 64 F, the temperature drops a few degrees. It is beneficial to pack a sweater or jacket for this time period.

    September Rain

    • The month of September generally is known for pleasant weather. However, every so often, the weather forecasts heavy rains. Although October's rainfall averages about 8 inches, September averages about 4 inches. These storms are often combined with heavy lightening. When traveling during this month, it is well advised to pack a weatherproof jacket and rain gear. Do not allow a light rainfall to stop you from exploring the Navigli district, which is a popular area known for its active nightlife and is filled with outdoor cafes, restaurants, boutiques and trendy nightclubs.

    September Humidity

    • The early days of September carries over the high humidity from August summer days, which can be very hot. Pack a few light items to keep you cool. As the month goes on, the humidity lessens, giving way to crisper weather.

    10-Day Forecasts

    • When planning your trip, it is beneficial to check websites that offer Milan's weather 10-day forecasts. These sites will also include any change in weather patterns such as cool weather, storms, heat spells or upcoming cloudy days.

    Sights to See

    • Although the metro, bus or taxi can be used to explore the city, the comfortable September weather encourages walking to outdoor attractions such as Milan's historic center's Piazza del Duomo. Discover sites such as the Duomo, which is the third largest cathedral in the world, the opera house Teatro alla Scalla, and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which is one of the first iron and glass constructions in Italy. Stroll down Via Montenapoleone to the Quadrilatero d'Oro. These four adjoining streets, known as the Golden Quad, are home to Milan's designer boutiques. Weekend afternoons can also be spent outdoors at Milan's 116-acre park, the Parco Sempione or the late 18th century Porta Venezia Gardens.

    Day Trips

    • You can take day trips from Milan by riding the Eurorail. Milan's main rail station is at the Stazione Centrale. About one hour from Milan is the romantic setting of Lake Como. The temperate climate along the lake is best suited for a lightweight jacket as the evening approaches. For a full day of family fun, visit the Aquatica; this outdoor water park has many family activities that require bathing suits and sandals. You can also travel northeast of Milan and visit Bergamo, located in the foothills of the Alps, which can be somewhat cool.

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