Tips in Finding Low Airline Tickets

With the rising cost of airfare today, many people start their vacation budgets by checking to see what their flights will cost. Spending some time researching fares can save you a significant amount of money so you can have more fun on your vacation.
  1. Airfare Booking Websites

    • Searching airfare booking websites like Travelocity, Orbitz and Hotwire not only allows you to see rates from different airlines side by side, but can get you the lower price that the site has negotiated with the airline. Keep in mind that rates can change daily, so if you find a good deal, go ahead and purchase your ticket.

    Contact the Airline Directly

    • Call the airline or check with its website. Airlines run sales on airfare quite often and you are more likely to get this lower rate by contacting the airline directly. If you are active duty military or need a bereavement fare, the airline will be able to offer you a significantly reduced rate that other sites will not be able to match.

    Check the Forecast

    • Airfare forecasting websites such as Bing, Travel Forecast or Airfare Watch Dog can show you side-by-side listings of current airfares, while predicting what the rates will do during the next seven days. The sites will predict if it is better to wait to purchase your ticket as airfares should go down or if you should go ahead and buy because fares are expected to increase.

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