How to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise

You have decided to brave the Alaskan wilderness in a luxurious way and you need to know what to take with you. When packing for an Alaskan cruise, you need to be prepared for a variety of seasons all wrapped up in one great vacation.

Things You'll Need

  • List of items to be packed
  • Luggage
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      Think about layering your clothing when you are packing for your trip. Your day will start out cool, warm up and then become cool again. Pack clothes that are easily removed or added as the weather changes.

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      Pack blue jeans. On most cruises you do not see a lot of blue jeans, but on an Alaskan cruise, you will need them for warmth onboard and for durability when enjoying onshore excursions.

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      Pack a swimsuit and shorts for relaxing onboard, even though you would not immediately think of Alaska as a swimming location. Alaska is not always cold, so if you are taking a summertime cruise, you will want swimwear and cool clothing for being in the sun.

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      Pack a warm coat, gloves and heavy socks as these are necessary if a visit to a glacier is part of your itinerary.

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      Pack a good, sturdy pair of hiking boots. These will be most welcome if you are going to participate in any of the more rugged adventures that are available on an Alaskan cruise.

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