How to Transport a Car From Connecticut to Florida

If you are traveling to, moving to or planning to spend an extended period of time in Florida, you may want to consider having your car brought down from Connecticut for you. Sometimes the cost of having your car shipped to Florida may be cheaper than renting a car for your stay in the Sunshine State. One of the biggest benefits may be the comfort of having your own car with you.


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      Decide your method of transportation. How are you going to get your car from Connecticut to Florida? You may want to drive it yourself or tow it behind a moving truck or RV. You can also look into having someone drive your car for you, or you can hire a transportation company to do it for you. There are many transportation companies that will either ship your car via train or load it up on a car-carrying semi truck and drive it down.

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      Find a transport company. You will want to make a decision on when and where to transport your car. Some companies will deliver it to another one of their locations in Florida, or they may even deliver the car close to where you will stay. Before making a decision, you will want to speak with a few different companies to compare rates and qualifications. You can ask for references, licenses and insurance information.

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      Pay the deposit. You will need to put down a deposit on the service you are hiring; an average is approximately $100-$200. The balance will either be due at the beginning of transportation or when the car arrives in Florida. Payment of the balance is based on each company's individual policies.

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      Clean out your car. Before dropping off or having your car picked up, you will want to clean it out. Though some companies will transport your car with personal belongings in it, they are not liable for anything left in the car that may be stolen or damaged while in transport. Remove any personal items, such as CDs, garage door openers or any personal information you may have left in the car.

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      Drop it off or have it picked up. Depending upon the company you have selected, you may be able to drop off your car at their warehouse. Other companies will pick up the car from you and get it ready and on its way to Florida before you even leave. At that time, the person who will transport your car will conduct on inspection with you to look for any dings, dents or damages, and make notes of them.

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