How to Unpack Your Bags

When returning from a trip, the last thing you want to do is unpack right away. Bags that set out with you in a pristine, ordered condition often come back with dirty laundry and assorted clutter. Although it is very tempting to stash your bags in a little used corner and ignore them for awhile, unpacking your bags properly and implementing a system for dealing with a post-vacation mess will ultimately make your life easier.


    • 1

      Choose an empty, flat surface such as a table or made bed. This will allow you space to make organized piles.

    • 2

      Remove all the dirty laundry from your bag and put it in the same pile or a waiting laundry basket.

    • 3

      Take any shoes, hats, belts, scarves and other closet accessories out of your bag and place them together in the same spot. Do the same thing for toiletries such as make up and hair care items.

    • 4

      Locate any electronic accessories, including cameras, extra batteries, game cartridges or DVD's and place them together. Don't forget to check the small pockets in your bags as well as your purse or carry on luggage for these items.

    • 5

      Gather together any souvenirs from your bag. Also make sure to find any travel documents -- passport, airline tickets -- that you took with you. Place these items in their respective piles.

    • 6

      Throw away any unneeded paperwork or other trash remaining in your bag. If needed, wipe down the bag's interior with a damp cloth and let it dry thoroughly before storing the bag away.

    • 7

      Start with the dirty laundry and relocate it to the laundry room where you should start a load immediately. Choose a second pile and put all the items in their proper places until nothing remains. Move on to the next pile. Make sure to focus on each individual section until everything is done.

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