How to Entertain a Child on a Flight

Traveling with kids on a plane doesn't have to be a nightmare. From toddlers to teens, having a few tricks up your sleeve should help you keep everyone sane and relatively quiet. While keeping the children entertained on a flight is easy, it also requires some effort on the part of the adults, both in preparing for the flight and managing boredom on board.

Things You'll Need

  • Art supplies
  • Books
  • Toys
  • DVD player
  • Game system
  • Snacks
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  1. Preparation is key

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      Let the kids know what to expect during the flight. A clingy toddler might like to know that even though his bag is going in the overhead bin, it doesn't mean the plane is taking his favorite teddy bear inside. Make sure older children understand that their game systems must remain off until after takeoff.

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      Crayons and craft supplies can be a life saver on long flights.

      Make a trip to your local dollar or discount store for new toys, activity books, craft supplies and books. You'll want to keep messes to a minimum on the plane, so stay away from markers and glue and opt for pipe cleaners and crayons. Look for books with interactive qualities, such as pop-ups, for younger kids.

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      A fully-charged portable DVD player can be a parent's best friend on a plane trip.

      Don't forget the portable DVD player and game system, along with extra batteries. If you can afford a new DVD or game, buy it. If not, you can check out some new ones from the library - just mind your due dates.

    Keep an eye out for boredom.

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      Parents can even wrap small toys and prizes to make the flight more special.

      Give kids new toys and activities one by one during the flight. Just as they tire of one activity, you should have another surprise ready and waiting. If you hand everything over at once, your child's interest in each item will be shorter.

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      Craft supplies can be a time killer on a long flight.

      Try some art. Art projects are great for passing the time on a flight, but they do require adult supervision to prevent messes.

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      A supply of healthy snacks is a must for the carry-on bag.

      Break out the snacks. Between unappetizing plane food and disrupted schedules, kids can get cranky simply because they are hungry. Give them some healthy snacks to keep their tummies from rumbling.

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