How to Use Italian Toilets

Visiting Italy is a memorable experience, as the country offers up many travel experiences and challenges. However, the least of your worries should be the challenge of using one of the many varieties of Italian toilets. Being prepared to encounter different flushing mechanisms and bowl structures can ease your stress or bewilderment.


  1. The Light

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      Search for the light. If it this is a multi-stall public toilet, then the light should be on. However, in single use public/restaurant toilets, the light can be in the water closet or right outside the water closet.

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      Assess the light switch to see if it is a standard on/off switch or a push button. If a push button, it may be a timed switch or one you will be able to turn off on your own.

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      Understand that, if it is a timed switch, you might not have a lot of time before being left in the dark. Italians are thrifty with their electricity.

    Flushing Mechanisms

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      Look for the flushing mechanism. The location might not be immediately obvious.

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      Note the type of flushing mechanism. This might be a push-button on the floor, wall, side or top of the tank; a handle that can be located on either side of the tank; a lever on the floor; or there might be a pull string dangling from a hanging tank.

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      Operate the flushing mechanism by pushing a button, pressing a handle or pulling on a chain.

    Using Squatting Toilets

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      Recognize that there are two main types of toilets typically encountered in Italy. One is a version of the typical toilet bowl. The other is a squatting type, which is a ceramic platform with a hole in the floor. No flushing mechanism exists in the squatting type.

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      Stand with your feet on the ribbed, non-slip footsteps that are usually provided in squatting toilets on either side of the hole. This will help you keep the best position to maintain your balance.

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      Steady yourself with the handrail if one is made available.

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