What Are Some High Protein Foods You Can Take With You When You Travel by Air?

Many people seek out high protein foods when traveling, which leave people more satisfied and feeling full longer; healthy snacking can be difficult, but choosing some convenient high protein options isn't as hard as you think.

  1. Considerations

    • Two things you need to keep in mind are avoiding containers of liquids greater than 3 oz. and steering clear of highly perishable products.

    Time Frame

    • If you'll be eating within a couple of hours, high protein snacks like cheese sticks travel well; avoid these in hot weather or if you anticipate long delays, since they won't stay fresh for long.


    • Creatively avoid "the 3 oz rule" by bringing high protein drink powders and mixing them once on the plane; nonfat, dry powdered milk and protein drink mixes are two convenient options with lots of protein.


    • Nuts like almonds, cashews and peanuts are also a good source of protein and healthy fat that travels easily; mix together a variety of nuts, whole grain cereal and dried fruit for a quick and easy trail mix.

    Other Options

    • Other high protein foods that travel well include single size servings of peanut butter, yogurt, small cans of tuna, protein bars and beef or soy jerky.

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