What Are You Supposed to Do With Electronics When You Go Through Airport Securtiy?

Airport security is administered by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which seeks to prevent terrorist attacks and hijackings while promoting passenger safety. The rules and regulations the TSA establishes are constantly changing to ensure detection of illegal substances or dangerous devices. Electronics are thoroughly inspected to make sure they are not concealing dangerous devices.
  1. The TSA

    • The Transportation Safety Administration protects the free movement of people and commerce in all areas of American transport. In airports, this means checking passengers and cargo for explosives and hazardous materials, and thwarting any person trying to do harm to the airport, planes or passengers. The TSA operates security checkpoints at U.S. airports, and its air marshals enforce passenger safety in-flight.

    Security Checkpoints

    • Passenger and baggage screening are perhaps the TSA's most visible job. Long lines and wait times, advanced technology machines and stringent rules have become a part of air travel in the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Passengers going through a security checkpoint must remove jackets, shoes and liquids from their carry-on luggage. The TSA uses x-ray machines, pat downs, whole-body imaging machines and bag searches at security checkpoints.

    Small Electronics

    • Small electronics including digital cameras, digital video recorders, MP3 music players, portable DVD players and handheld gaming devices do not need to be removed from carry-on luggage when going through a security check. These items may remain in the bag and are put through the x-ray machine. The TSA may still turn on and inspect small electronics during a hand check of carry-on luggage.

    Large Electronics

    • Large electronics including laptops, full-size game consoles, full-size DVD players, video cameras that use cassettes and breathing machines need to be removed from carry-on luggage and put through the x-ray machine in separate screening bins. These electronics must also be removed from any carrying cases. The TSA has identified some laptop carrying cases that are permitted to go through the x-ray machine without removing the laptop from them. These cases provide TSA officers with an unobstructed view of the laptop.

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