How to Create a Map for Directions

When hosting an event, it is always helpful to provide your guests with detailed directions. While a word-for-word account of turns works for some people, a map can be an even more effective visual tool. Be precise, concise and accurate when making your map. Keep it simple---only include major roads, traffic lights and a few landmarks.


  1. Make Your Map

    • 1

      Identify the major roads, landmarks and highways that will help your guests reach their destination. You don't need to include all the minor roads on the map. This will make it cluttered and difficult to read.

    • 2

      Locate your destination and draw it near a corner of your map. A house, star or X will clearly denote the end point.

    • 3

      Draw the largest cross streets, including the address' street name (use a ruler for straight lines).

    • 4

      Gradually build on your map from your end destination. Draw several more major roads. Include at least one major highway, any important landmarks, and a clear path by sketching arrows.

    • 5

      Label directions (north, south, east, west).

    • 6

      Include a scale. This allows guests to get a feel for time and distance traveled between roads and landmarks.

    • 7

      Write out your directions--word for word--below the map to ensure clarity.

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