How to Get an Airline Travel Voucher

Receiving a free airline ticket can greatly reduce your travel costs, but receiving a travel voucher can be a difficult task. The most common way to get a travel voucher is to give up your seat to another passenger when an airline has overbooked a flight. While most people won't get "bumped" voluntarily, if your travel schedule is flexible, you can fly for half the cost by following a few simple steps.


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      Increase your chances of getting bumped by purchasing a reservation on a flight that is likely to be full. The best times are weekdays from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., especially Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.

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      Arrive at your gate as early as possible and ask the gate agent if the flight is over-booked. If they say yes, ask them to put your name as a volunteer on the "bump list." Travel vouchers for bump tickets are given on a first come, first served basis, so try to get your name on the top of the list.

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      Get two airline travel vouchers in one day if your rescheduled flight has also been over-booked. Simply follow the same directions, get to the gate early and put your name on the volunteer bump list again.

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