How to Bargain at a Market in Israel

You can get a good bargain at a market in Israel with a mix of finesse, aggressiveness and perseverance. Follow these steps.


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      Approach any sale in Israel with a mindset to haggle. Sometimes people from Western environments assume that prices are fixed and whatever price a vendor mentions the first time is the rock bottom price. But this is not so. Israel, like most countries of the Middle East, depends on bargaining to do business, so approach almost any sales situation ready to negotiate.

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      Know what you want and how much you are willing to pay for it. Set yourself an ideal price and a price you find reasonable for the product you want. This way, you will know where to begin your price negotiation, and also where to end it.

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      Ask the price before you tell your price. A vendor will be trying to gauge if you're a savvy shopper or a sucker, so begin by getting the vendor to quote the price. If it's much higher than your ideal price, just say no but don't walk away. Chances are the vendor will ask what price you were thinking or wanting which is your cue to stop to think for a few seconds and then quote your ideal price.

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      Be persistent with what you want. If the vendor is negotiating in the area of your ideal or reasonable price then haggle until you reach an agreement.

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      If the vendor will not approach your reasonable price, walk away. Be explicit about your actions by telling him that it's too much for you. Don't try to trick him by saying you saw a better price in another stand at the market because he probably knows all the local prices and bargains. Simply inform him that his price is too high, walk away and be sure to walk past the stall again after about fifteen or twenty minutes. Chances are he will call you back to offer a price closer to what you want.

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      Remember it's just business. Keeping a cool head is the best way to haggle at a market in Israel, as in other places. So don't get angry or insulted but keep a friendly, business-like attitude toward the transaction in order to get the best bargain.

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