How to Remove a Pith Helmet

When Henry Stanley found David Livingstone in eastern Africa on Nov. 10, 1871, one wonders if he tipped his pith helmet when he spoke the line, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" The pith helmet has been a staple of African travel and safari since the early colonial days dating back to the turn of the 20th century. Today, pith helmets are not used as much as in prior decades, but they still add a commanding presence to those who wear them. Remove your pith helmet using your forefingers and thumb.

Things You'll Need

  • Handkerchief
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    • 1

      Reach up and grab the front brim of the pith helmet with your thumb and forefinger. Slide any chin straps out from under your chin.

    • 2

      Lift the pith helmet off the brow and crest of the head. Wipe the sweat brow inside the helmet to prevent salt buildup.

    • 3

      Pull the hat off from the head and place under the arm or on a proper hat stand.

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