How to Say Common Spanish Phrases for Food

When speaking Spanish it is important to know and be able to express common words pertaining to foods. These words and phrases will be especially important in a restaurant or when ordering food in a Spanish speaking country.


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      Say "comida" for the word food. This can mean any type of food for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is the universal word for "food" in Spanish. Say "el agua" to refer to water. "Quiero el aqua" means I want some water.

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      Use "la carne" to refer to meat, "el pan" to say bread, and "los huevos" to refer to eggs in Spanish.

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      Practice saying "la bebida" to mean a drink, "el pollo" to mean chicken, and "la sopa" to say soup in Spanish. "Los mariscos" is seafood and "las verduras" is vegetables.

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      Speak clearly when you say, "el tenedor," "la cuchara," "el cuchillo" and "el plato." These words mean fork, spoon, knife and plate.

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