Nile River Cruise Safety

The Nile is not only the center of Egypt, it is one of the longest navigable rivers in the world. The Nile Valley is home to the ruins of the ancient Egyptian culture, including the pyramids at Giza, the temple at Luxor and Abu Simbel, which are visible from the cruise ships that travel on the river. Taking some precautions will help ensure that your trip is safe as well as exciting.
  1. Location and Climate

    • Egypt is in northeastern Africa, but the Nile runs from Rwanda to the Mediterranean Sea. It is not navigable further than the Aswan Dam, which sits at the head of Lake Nasser, a reservoir that stretches into Sudan. The climate of Egypt is hot and dry, most of the country being desert outside the Nile Valley. Daily average temperatures are about 85 degrees in summer and 55 to 70 degrees in winter.

    Cruise Ships

    • Nile cruise ships are flat-bottomed. These boats do not have to take storms or big waves into account, because they travel on a calm river. The ships have cabins that are reminiscent of hotel rooms and restaurants that serve full meals. Some ships also have pools and feature entertainment by musicians and dancers.

    Fire and Accident Safety

    • Most ships are equipped with smoke detectors in each cabin. Many have sprinkler systems installed throughout the ship in the event of fire. The crews are trained to handle fires and other accidents. There are life jackets, often located in the cabins, for passengers to use in the event of an accident.

    Personal Safety

    • Aboard the ship, there are few risks to personal safety. On shore, however, there is a small risk for terrorist events, according to the U.S. State Department. In addition, passengers should be aware of a small risk of burglaries and should safeguard themselves against pickpockets in tourist areas, especially in crowds.

    Health and Safety

    • The Nile is a tropical river, even though it runs through a desert in Egypt. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that would-be travelers get vaccinated against a number of diseases. The CDC also recommends avoiding insect bites, as these can spread malaria and dengue fever. Food and water are usually safe aboard cruise ships, but it still is sensible to follow the CDC's advice: Drink only bottled water.

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