Frequent Flyer U.S. Customs Information

For travelers who frequently fly internationally, waiting in line for U.S. Customs at the airport can seem tedious and unnecessary, especially if they have a tight connection to make.
  1. Global Entry

    • The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency created the Global Entry program to allow travelers to proceed through Customs more quickly when traveling internationally. Participants must be approved, pay an application fee of $100 (as of 2010) and renew their membership every five years.


    • Participants in the Global Entry program must be approved by the U.S. government. They must submit to a background check to verify they are U.S. citizens, have never been,nor are in the process of being, convicted for a criminal offense and have never violated any customs, agriculture or immigration laws in any country.


    • Members of the Global Entry program gain expedited entry into the United States and other participating countries. They do not have to wait in Customs lines at airports and do not have to file any paperwork with U.S. Customs agents at any airports. Members use automated kiosks at all major U.S. airports to verify entry.

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