How to Create Custom Maps Quickly

Online mapping programs offer tools, downloads and support to help users import data and create maps quickly. Certain features allow users to transfer data from previous maps, address books and other personal information to make custom maps. If the user is traveling, he or she can utilize tools that select travel areas, highlight locations and save information -- with custom settings. A person can import data, create new locations and print out a map within minutes.

Things You'll Need

  • Map-making program
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      Import data from email address books to create a custom map. BatchGeo allows you to copy and paste personal information from a spreadsheet and create maps to several locations and addresses at once. Aardvark lets you retrieve and alter existing maps, or start from scratch to create personalized locations in only a few steps.

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      Make custom markers by zooming in on the area you need. Use your mouse to adjust the ladder on the side of the map to zoom. Click on a country or city to create a marker. Zoom closer and drag the marker to a specific address or location. Some map-making programs allow the user to enter a marker location by postal code or by adding coordinates. Add text by clicking on each marker and entering the text into a pop-up box. Click the "Save Text" button to keep updated text, or click on the "X" to close without saving.

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      Add additional data or locations from other websites. Add overlays by selecting and marking the check boxes. Data is categorized in groups -- by the type of data and the location used. If you do not require additional data, continue to the next step.

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      Save and display or print the created map. Some mapping websites ask you to enter a generated code to link the map. Other websites allow you to preview the map, and email it to you, or to print it directly from the Web page. Some websites will give you the option to embed the map onto a personal Web page.

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