Things to Pack When Going Overseas

Preparing for an overseas trip is exciting. However, travel can also be very stressful. Eliminate some stress as your prepare for your journey by knowing beforehand exactly what to pack. While study abroad programs, employers, volunteer coordinators or other trip planners may provide a detailed list of what you should bring, there are some items no overseas traveler should leave home without.
  1. Carry-On Essentials

    • Carry-on luggage is the only thing a traveler has access to between the time his other luggage is checked until the time it is picked up at the baggage claim when he arrives. Use a backpack or small wheeled suitcase: it is easy to maneuver through the busy airport halls, and can be taken on day trips once the traveler reaches his destination. Keep important documents, such as a passport, student ID, visa, other official documents, tickets and boarding passes with the carry-on or in a money belt. Prescription medicines, a small first aid kit, glasses, money, as well as an iPod, books and magazines, should be placed in your carry-on. Be sure to check the airline's security regulations, too, to make sure everything you packed will be allowed through security.


    • Before packing clothes, a traveler should research her destination to determine what and how much clothes she should pack. Consider the climate and season of the destination: the Mediterranean climate of Italy during the summer will require different clothing than would a fall trip to Ireland. Also, consider the duration of your stay and whether you'll be able to wash your laundry. Remember that while it may be tempting to bring a lot of clothes, you will have to carry your luggage and pay a fee if your luggage's weight exceeds the baggage limit.

    Health and Personal Products

    • For short trips overseas, it's often easier for a traveler to bring his own health and personal care products, rather than buying them when he arrives. Think about purchasing smaller travel-size items so that they take up less room in the suitcase. On extended stays, however, it is often wiser to use the space toiletries would take in a suitcase for other items and simply buy health care products at the final destination. However, a traveler should pack specific items like favorite makeup products, feminine hygiene products or contact lens solution, just in case it is not available overseas.

    Other Must-Haves

    • Once the clothes and toiletries are packed, there are other important items that most travelers want. A camera, wrapped in bubble wrap to keep it safe, as well as a journal, helps a traveler take mementos of her travels. Help stave of homesickness by packing some pictures of family and friends. If a traveler will not be staying in a hotel or with a friend, she may need a sleeping bag and pillow. A map and guidebook will help the traveler navigate her destination once she arrives. A travel alarm clock, outlet adapters, sewing kit, umbrella and sunglasses will also come in handy.

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