Ghana Passport Requirements

The Republic of Ghana is on the west coast of Africa. The Gulf of Guinea is on its south side; the Côte d'Ivoire or the Ivory Coast borders its west side. Togo borders it on the east side. United States citizens wishing to visit will find that significant planning is required.
  1. Entry/Exit Requirements

    • A citizen of the United States planning to enter Ghana must have a passport and visa. One must also have proof of a yellow fever vaccination. However, travelers should verify the latest information by with the Embassy of Ghana, 3512 International Drive NW, Washington, DC 20008; contact the embassy by telephone at (202) 686-4520 if you have additional concerns.


    • The United States government encourages citizens living or traveling in Ghana to register with the nearest US embassy or consulate. Registration is essential in case the citizen has an emergency.

    Documents for a Passport

    • To obtain a passport, you will need primary evidence of U.S. citizenship. Eligible documents include a previous passport or a certified birth certificate from the appropriate state agency. You'll also need to provide a social security number. Submit the DS-11: Application For A U.S. Passport, all applicable fees and two passport-sized photos as well.

    Obtaining a Visa to Visit Ghana

    • The Ghana Visa Application can be submitted online. In addition to the applicant having six months of validity left on her passport, she must submit the application, 4 passport-sized photographs, the international certificate of vaccination for yellow fever and a copy of round trip airline tickets or itinerary.


    • According to the US Department of State, "U.S. citizens should avoid political rallies and street demonstrations and maintain security awareness at all times...Pick-pocketing, purse-snatching and various types of scams are the most common forms of crime confronting visitors."

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