Countries With No Visa Requirements for U.S. Passport Holders

Traveling abroad on an American passport is still one of the best ways to see the world. Many nations do not require tourists to have a visa, although different requirements may exist for business travelers. It is always best for Americans to check with the U.S. Department of State before traveling abroad.
  1. Europe

    • Most nations in Europe do not require a U.S. passport holder to have a travel visa in order to gain entry. This includes all nations in the European Union as well as the U.K. and Scandinavia.

    Former Soviet States

    • Not all nations welcome Americans with open arms. The Ukraine and the Baltic nations are among the few former Soviet states that do not require visas for travel or business. Georgia does not require a visa for tourists.


    • Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia do not require visas. Thailand, French Polynesia, and many other South Pacific nations are open to tourists, though they may require a business visa.

    Africa and the Middle East

    • South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, and the United Arab Emirates do not require visas, nor do tourists to Israel. United States passport holders wishing to travel elsewhere will need to have the proper documents (and the proper vaccinations).

    The Americas

    • Neither Canada nor Mexico require visas. Once Canada didn't even require a passport, but those days are gone. South America and the Caribbean are hit-and-miss, but many places like the Caymans, Ecuador and Argentina are open for tourists.

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