How to Avoid Passport Hell

Given the recent changes to regulations regarding the issuance of US Passports, the process of getting a passport has become a nightmare for many citizens. Here are a few simple tips on how you can avoid passport hell

Things You'll Need

  • Birth Certificate or other form of ID
  • Passport Form
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      First, give yourself plenty of time. It may now take up to 6 months from start to finish so make sure you plan accordingly.

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      If you are a last-minute traveler, consider using an expediting service. Firms such as are a great way to ensure that you will receive your passport within a week. This service, unfortunately, comes at a cost of about $150.

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      If you don't feel like forking over the money to expedite, make sure you get an appointment. Try calling the information office at 1-877-487-2778. Skip the automated message by hitting the number zero twice.

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      If you were unable to avoid passport hell and are actually forced to go to a Federal Building (which is required for a first time passport issuance), be prepared. Bring snacks, reading material, maybe your blackberry or iPhone, and a good attitude. The lines are usually several hours long, and everyone else in line is as cranky as you are.

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