How to Register for Luggage

Luggage is a very important part of your style when traveling. When planning for a honeymoon, many couples realize that they do not have what they need to travel well for this part of the wedding celebration. Adding luggage to your wedding registry may seem unusual, but you can do so with confidence if you register with the right store. You can also register for luggage for other life events, such as having a baby or graduating school. A registry is so that guests know what to give you, and, if what you want and need is luggage, don't be shy. Register for what you truly should have!


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      Shop around at department stores in your area. See which stores carry luggage that you like. Talk to a sales representative about featuring the luggage in a registry. You'll simply need to enter your name, address and personal information. It costs you nothing, and you can simply give friends and family members a number or your last name to search for your list at any of the store locations or online.

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      Look into all your options when it comes to a registry. Some people register at several stores, and that helps your guests to have more options. However, if you double register for a luggage item at more than one store, you risk getting the same thing twice since stores don't cross check registries. One solution is to monitor your registries. When you see an item has been chosen, delete it from multiple registries by simply signing on and modifying your list.

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      Register at a discount store like Target. It's a store that has everything, and you are likely to get the luggage you want since it's also a rather inexpensive store. People won't be frightened of shopping there.

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      Include a simple list of things needed with your invitation. Put luggage at the top of the list for this old-fashioned registration. This is an unusual move, but it can be great for people who are not technologically savvy and who don't want to deal with big store registries. Laying it out there--that you need luggage--is smart. Since the goal is to get you what you want and needs, your loved ones will breathe a sigh of relief at the chance to get you luggage that will be used and enjoyed for years to come.

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      Start a gift card registry. This is a great way to register for luggage at the store of your choice. This is an extremely new and somewhat controversial practice. Newlyweds and expectant mothers have started a gift card registry. instead of receiving things others purchase, loved ones can buy gift cards at the stores indicated by the recipient. This is a great thing for people who are stumped easily on gift giving. There's also no risk in receiving one of the same thing, since more than one gift card to the same place is an even better situation! The controversy about it comes from those who feel that it's tacky and that the recipient should receive something and remember the giver. Gift cards make it feel that you are buying everything for yourself!

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      List each luggage item separately within your registry so nobody feels pressured to make such a big ticket purchase in order to please you. With everybody picking an item of luggage, you can end up with any piece you desire without pressuring guests.

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