How to Make Community Maps

Mapping your community can be helpful in many different ways. A map can help you know and appreciate your surroundings on a different level, but it can also be a useful tool for someone who is new to the area. Making a community map takes artistic talent, a sharp eye and huge attention to detail. Here are tips.


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      Look around your community and gather a feel for what streets, what buildings and landmarks should be included. It’s important to have a firm grasp on the community before you begin creating a map of the location.

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      Choose the boundaries for your community map. The more area you plan to include, the less detail you can include. Mapping out a small area, such as your block, allows the mapmaker to focus on the smaller details of the area. Choose where you want your map’s focus to lie.

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      Either in your car or on foot, or from memory, begin drawing the details of the area. Most important are street names and landmarks.

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      Be as accurate and specific as possible. The key to a good map is that you can rely on its accuracy. Check and double check the spelling and drawing of all details you include in your map, especially if it is intended for those who are not familiar with the area.

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      Move the focus of your map slowly from one corner outward. Take your time linking all the streets and characteristics that make your community unique. Check your map against a sanctioned city map to make sure the work you are doing is accurate.

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