Gay Bars in Atlanta

Atlanta bills itself as a fast-paced and modern city that has been linked to civil rights for decades. Since the 1970s, Atlanta has grown exponentially, featuring more culture, business, and an always-changing skyline. As the capital of Georgia, Atlanta offers plenty of entertainment, including an exciting, gay-friendly nightlife.
  1. Atlanta Eagle

    • Atlanta Eagle is a gay bar and club located off Ponce De Leon Avenue in Atlanta. The Eagle is open every night except Sunday until the early hours of the morning, according to its website. The Eagle often holds theme nights and hosts special events in the gay community. Each Tuesday is Eagle Karaoke night.

      Atlanta Eagle

      306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

      Atlanta, Ga 30308


    Burkhart's Pub

    • Located on Piedmont Avenue, Burkhart's Pub offers several areas for entertainment, including the main bar and showroom, the patio, a pool room and an upper balcony. Open seven days a week, Burkhart's features a different show or event each night such as karaoke, drag shows, and special parties.

      Burkhart's Pub

      1492 Piedmont Avenue NE

      Atlanta, Ga 30309


    Woofs Atlanta Sports Bar

    • Woofs is a full-service sports bar serving the gay community since 2002. The bar features up to 11 sporting events at one time displayed on 31 televisions. The bar offers a full menu with specials Monday through Thursday. Activities include darts and pool.

      Atlanta Sports Bar

      2425 Piedmont Road

      Atlanta, Ga 30324


    Blake's on the Park

    • Located on 10th Street, Blake's on the Park caters to the gay community and offers a cover-free nightlife. Each night, Blake's has a different theme, including "Drag on the Edge," "Blake's Wild Card," and "Darling Divas." Blake's also offers a full menu including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      Blake's on the Park

      227 10th Street

      Atlanta, GA 30309


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