How to Calculate Distance Between 2 Addresses

Going from point A to point B isn’t quite as simple as it used to be. If you are in sales, keeping track of your mileage is vital to your bottom line. If you are heading out on a long trip, knowing the distance between your starting address and that of your destination can help you estimate fuel costs. There are lots of reasons someone may need to know the distance between two addresses, and Google Maps makes it easy to calculate.


    • 1

      Go to

    • 2

      Type the first address in the box labeled A.

    • 3

      Type the second address in the box labeled B.

    • 4

      Click “Get Directions.” On the new screen, under the address textboxes, you will see the distance between the two addresses. If there are several different routes for you to choose from, the distance will be listed under each route.

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