How to Calculate Distance Between International Cities

When planning an international vacation or trip, it is often necessary to calculate the distance between the cities you plan on visiting. To assist in the distance calculation, you can use several free online mapping tools. Examples of online mapping tools include Bing Maps, Google Maps and MapQuest. These tools allow you to input a pair of international cities and instantly calculate the distance between them.


    • 1

      Go to an online mapping website (See Resources).

    • 2

      Click the "Get Directions" option.

    • 3

      Enter the first international city and country in the "A" text field. For example, enter "Paris, France" in the "A" text box.

    • 4

      Enter the second international city and country in the "B" text field. For example, enter "London, England" in the "B" text box.

    • 5

      Click the "Get Directions" button to display the distance between the international cities.

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