How to Find a Phone Number in Pattaya, Thailand

Pattaya, Thailand, is a destination for travelers interested in the beautiful coast of Thailand or who want to experience the religious sites, architectural attractions and foods of southeast Asia. Whether you need to set up travel arrangements from home or to contact a business or emergency service while in Thailand, finding a phone number in Pattaya, Thailand, is simple with the help of online directories. Pattaya phone numbers can be reached from any phone that has international service as well as from a cell phone or land line operating within Thailand.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Internet access
  • Cell phone or land line telephone
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      Search the Thailand Yellow Pages online to find a personal or business number in Pattaya, Thailand. Search by the name of the person or business or by categories of services.

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      Dial 011, the international code, followed by 66, the Thailand country code, to dial Pattaya, Thailand, phone numbers from the United States. Substitute 00 for 011 if you are making an international call from somewhere other than the United States or Canada.

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      Dial 38, the city code for Pattaya, before Pattaya, Thailand phone numbers. When calling within Thailand, use only the city code and the phone number. When calling from outside of Thailand, add the city code after the international and country codes.

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      Call the Tourism Authority of Thailand if you need to find a phone number in Pattaya, Thailand, for a hotel, car rental, airport, bank or other tourism-related business. The agency's Pattaya office can be reached at 011 (+66) 038 428 750.

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      Call the Pattaya Expat Club if you are trying to locate a phone number for a foreign national living in Pattaya. The Expat Club emergency helpline can be reached at 011 (+66) 084 3489 501.

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      Locate a number you need to call Pattaya businesses or personal residences once you have arrived in Thailand by visiting the information desk at the airport, or by asking at the desk of any hotel. Information desks and hotel desks will have a phone book on hand, as well as relevant tourism contact numbers.

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      Call 1337 or 191 for police from within Thailand, or 1155 for tourist police, if you have an emergency when traveling in Pattaya, Thailand.

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