How to Make Travel Easy

Planning a trip with family and friends is exciting. You look forward to the break, no housework -- just pure relaxation and enjoyment. For a break it doesn't really matter whether its visiting a new place or an old favourite destination. The idea is, a trip has to leave you rejuvenated.
But, it can get quite frustrating when you reach the destination and find that you've forgotten your sweater or to inform your friend to collect a package on your behalf. To prevent such calamities here are some handy tips...

Things You'll Need

  • Begin with a checklist of all the things you need to carry. We always tend to think that the packing will be done in no time. But certain things can go amiss. Like a toothbrush or a comb.
  • Carrying an extra pair of clothes and under garments, apart from the normal set is a good idea. What if you get drenched in the rain while on a trek?
  • Wearing sneakers or walking shoes are always best, whether you're traveling by bus, train or flight. Keep the fancy shoes for a dinner in a restaurant, not for long hours of flight.
  • Packing a first aid kit with band aids, antiseptic cream, cotton wool, painkillers is a must. Don't forget medicines for an upset tummy, head ache, car sickness and indigestion.
  • Carrying a diary with all emergency numbers is a wise thing to do. This will save time in hunting for the number when you need it.
  • Keeping a stock of some dry food items such as wafers, chocolates, cookies is a good idea. If you're stuck in a traffic jam, you shall not go hungry. And yes, a bottle of water is always best.
  • Inform a neighbor, friend or relative where you're going on a holiday and give him/ her your contact details. Should there by an emergency you will be contacted immediately.
  • Carry a travel iron, a couple of clothes hangers, as well as a small packet of washing powder with you during your travel. You can save on the cost of laundry in your hotel.
  • Always carry a sun screen, a pair sun glasses, cleansing lotion, foot cream, talcum powder and a good deodorant.
  • Avoid glass bottles of perfumes or creams as far as possible. Seal all bottles of shampoos, lotions etc. with cello tape. This will prevent any spills or leakages from the bottles. Place these bottles
  • Avoid carrying too much of jewellery, cash and other valuables, unless required.
  • Passport and currency should always be kept in your coat jacket or waist pouch. Never let it out of your sight!
  • Keep the number of your hotel, friend or relative handy. You may need to call up the place in case you're lost! Better would be to take directions to the place before hand, this would save you a lot o


    • 1

      Ensure no food items are left open. Everything should be secured well inside cabinets, air-tight containers or in the refrigerator.

    • 2

      All the lights and fans are switched off. Ensure no leaking taps.

    • 3

      Doors and windows of your house are closed properly. The dustbins in your kitchen and other rooms have been cleared.

    • 4

      All your jewellery and valuables are deposited in a bank locker.

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