How to Use the Ontario Rat-7 Knife for Survival

A good woodsman can survive for days or even weeks in the wilderness with the right knife. Armed with a good survival knife you can build shelter, start a fire and find food. The Ontario Rat-7 knife will enable you fend off the elements and feed yourself if you learn how to use it before you head for the woods.


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      Be prepared. Having a good quality survival knife like the Ontario RAT 7 can help you survive in the wilderness if you know what to do with it. Learn in advance how to use the knife to split logs, shave kindling for a fire or strip saplings and small branches for an emergency shelter.

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      Cut down small saplings and medium sized tree branches to construct a shelter using your Ontario RAT 7 survival knife.

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      Build a fire with small branches, shave kindling and split logs you have gathered using the knife. Start the fire by striking the blade (or pommel) of your knife against flintlike rocks to create sparks.

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      Fashion tools for hunting food using the knife. Make both a sharp wooden stabbing spear and a short, flat-head digging spear/shovel. Use the sharp spear to catch fish or possibly rodents, and the flat digging spear can be used to find tubers or grubs or other insects.

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