Proper Height for a Walking Cane

Proper cane height is important for any help being mobile. This means that it should not be too high or too low. Too high of a cane will not give you the proper support you need. Too low of a cane will cause you to stoop, creating a tripping or falling hazard, or even back soreness.
  1. Cane Height

    • According to, approximate cane height is achieved by measuring the distance of your wrist--hanging loosely at your sides--to the floor. Fortunately, the cane shaft can be sawed off. So if you are not absolutely sure, or are a little wary of your measuring abilities, order a longer cane and saw it off to the proper height. The proper cane height should allow for you to walk while bending your arm at a 20 degree angle. More or less could throw off your balance, opening yourself up to injury. A step by step guide from states that a cane user should put on his or her regular walking shoes prior to measuring. This will allow for an even more accurate measurement for your cane. The user should stand at a natural upright stance. This means that if the person normally slouches or humps over due to habit or osteoporosis, they should not stand straight up for the measurement. Those with perfect posture should not slump when measuring.

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