How to Ski Breckenridge on a Budget

Breckenridge is one the best ski resorts in the United States. With breathtaking surroundings, it can be a romantic getaway for a couple or a fun family vacation. Surprisingly, a ski vacation in Breckenridge can be affordable if you plan appropriately. Here are some tips for skiing Breckenridge on a budget.


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      Set your dates far in advance. Have backup dates in case the resort is full or too expensive during your first choice of dates.

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      Ski Breckenridge in the spring. The area is beautiful as the weather warms, and because there are fewer holiday weekends in spring, reservations may be less expensive during this season.

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      Shop for winter skiwear during the off-season. You can find sales on gloves, goggles and even big tickets items such as pants and jackets.

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      Sign up for major airline e-mail clubs. Denver is a large airport and most carriers stop there. Shop for tickets early and you are sure to find discounted rates. If flying is out of your budget, consider driving. It is a beautiful scenic drive.

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      Look into timeshares. Several of the lodges and resorts in the area are timeshares. See if they're offering a special rate to people who agree to listen to their sales pitch. The pitch usually lasts 2 hours and can save you hundreds of dollars in accommodation fees.

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      Look for a room with a kitchenette. It will save you time and money. Breakfast can be served quickly so you can hit the slopes early, and dinners prepared at home can cost significantly less than going out.

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      Eating on the slopes can get very expensive, so pack a couple of protein bars in your jacket pocket. If you can manage a backpack, water bottles are also a good idea.

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