How to Find Sydney's Best Tourist Spots

Sydney is the largest city in Australia and perhaps the busiest and most cosmopolitan as well. Often referred to as "The Harbour City" because of the vast Sydney Harbour, Sydney gets millions of tourists every year from all around the world and from the rest of the Australian continent as well. With an extremely multicultural population, Sydney is a home to a diverse varieties of cultures, history and entertainment. If you are planning to visit Sydney in the future, here are some of your best options for tourist attractions.


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      Go to the Sydney Opera House. Perhaps Sydney's most internationally recognizable landmark, the enchanting Sydney Opera House proudly overlooks the Sydney Harbour. The Opera House is beautiful, with its unique roofs in the shape of massive seashells. Not only is The Opera House a place to enjoy opera, but it has a movie theater, concert hall, three theaters, studios, a library, various restaurants, bars and even some shops.

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      Do some shopping on Macquarie Street. Macquarie Street was historically considered the most fashionable and chic area in Sydney. The architecture of the buildings on the street is very Italian, with multiple-level homes including verandas and elegant balconies. Macquarie Street has some remnants of Australia's colonial days--The Mint and Parliament House. This is a picturesque way to experience a slice of Australian history.

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      Take a stroll along the Hawkesbury River. This lovely river had a vital role in New South Wales' colonial history. Settlers came to the area in 1794 and created farms that strengthened the Australian economy. Five towns along the Hawkesbury have been deemed the "Macquarie Towns" and have many historic Australian buildings.

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      Spend a day on Bondi Beach. Sydney's famed Bondi Beach is one of the city's main tourist draws. The beach itself is gorgeous with soft sand and peaceful shores, but viewers can also get a look at the many charming Victorian residences located alongside the beach. This is the perfect place to lie down on the beach, relax and take in the sun and warmth of Sydney.

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      Relax at Hyde Park. Hyde Park is Sydney's largest and most centrally located park, with its vast lawns, plentiful flowers, shady trees, and relaxing ambiance. At the north end of the park, visitors will find three Georgian building structures, built by convict Francis Greenway. Visitors to the park will not only get to relax amidst the urbanity of Sydney's city life, but enjoy some Australian history as well.

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