Attractions near Runaway Bay, Jamaica

Turquoise blue waters, sandy beaches, warm temperatures and awe-inspiring nature activities are what you will experience when you visit Runaway Bay, Jamaica. The town, which is located on the north shore of the island, provides an ideal vacation destination. While vacationing in Runaway Bay, enjoy the attractions that surround the area.
  1. Dunn's River Falls

    • Located in Ocho Rios, near Runaway Bay, Dunn's River Falls is perhaps the most visited attraction in Jamaica. The falls, which rush with freshwater provided from Dunn's River, cascade for approximately 600 feet, draining into the Caribbean Sea.

      A unique opportunity is provided, as the falls are made of up various ledges, which you can climb. The safest way to travel up the falls is with a guide, who will lead you safely to the top.

      Dunn's River Falls & Park
      Ocho Rios, Jamaica, W.I.

    Dolphin Cove

    • Dolphin Cove is also located in Ocho Rios. At Dolphin Cove, not only can you swim with dolphins, but also you can interact with sharks and stingrays. Trained guides will lead you through the waters safely and explain the animals to you.

      You also can meander through the simulated jungle, where you will encounter snakes, exotic birds and actors portraying pirates. A replica of Jamaica's famous pirate haunt, Little Port Royal, also invites you to interact with the pirates. These pirates also perform in the Shark Show, a comedic performance that will provide laughs for the entire family.

      Dolphin Cove
      P.O. Box 21,
      Ocho Rios, Jamaica, W.I.

    Green Grotto Caves

    • The Green Grotto Caves, also known as the Runaway Bay Caves, Rum Caves and Hopewell Caves, are located in Discovery Bay, close to Runaway Bay.

      The cave is nearly 1 mile long and 39 feet deep. It boasts a magnificent display of stalactites, stalagmites and chambers. At the base of the cave lies a subterranean lake, the Grotto Lake.

      The caves are steeped in history. They once provided shelter to the Arawak Indians. They also were used as a means to smuggle weapons to Cuba, and they were used to store barrels of rum during World War II.

      Green Grotto Caves
      Discovery Bay, Jamaica, W.I.

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