Airlines That Fly From Washington, D.C. to Memphis, Tennessee

Air travel between Washington, D.C. and Memphis, Tennessee often involves connecting in another city. Very few airlines offer direct service between the two cities and layovers in other destinations are standard for most major airlines. The travelling distance of 764 miles takes just over two hours on a direct flight, but distance and travel time varies if connections are necessary.
  1. Delta Airlines

    • Delta Airlines offers non-stop flights between Washington, D.C., and Memphis, Tennessee, along with connecting options to arrive at the destination. As of November 2010, Delta's six non-stop flights are divided between early morning, mid-day, and afternoon, with two flights running at each time. Delta also offers flights with a layover in Atlanta. The cost of both direct and connecting flights is $208 round-trip, if booked more than one month prior to departure, as of late 2010. The connecting options nearly double the two hour, 30 minute travel time to more than four hours.

    United Airlines

    • United Airlines provides service between the two cities, with about 15 flights daily. Cost of round-trip fare booked about one month out is $260 as of November 2010. United does not offer direct flights between Washington and Memphis. Original departures from Washington and Memphis occur hourly during the day, although travel times will vary depending on the length of connecting time.

    US Airways

    • US Airways offers flights throughout the day, although there is no direct service between the two cities. Connecting flights feature either one or two stops, with planes first traveling to Charlotte or Greensboro, N.C. before continuing on to Memphis. These connecting flights range in travel time from four to nearly eight hours. The cost of round-trip fare booked one month prior to departure (including connections) is $200, as of late 2010. Flights to Memphis run all day, with up to 20 daily from Washington.

    Continental Airlines

    • Continental does not offer direct daily flights from Washington to Memphis, but because of the numerous connecting cities available, there are more than 20 flights to choose from. Connecting times vary. Chicago and New York are the most common layover destinations, taking you much further north than the original departure and arrival cities. Most total travel times are more than five hours. Round-trip fares booked one month prior to departure are $190, as of November 2010.

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