How to Drive While Vacationing in Italy

The best way to see the loveliness of Italy is by car. Driving and exploring will allow you to get lost in the beauty of the country. A sense of humor is definitely required since driving it Italy can be confusing if you've never done it before.

Things You'll Need

  • Phone number for your rental car agency
  • Insurance
  • Maps of Italy
  • International driver's permit
  • Italian phrase book
  • Gas money
  • Driver's license
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      Apply for an International Driver's Permit (IDP) at any American Automobile Association (AAA) branch. Check the local phone book to find the AAA closest to you. To get your permit, you must be at least 18 and have two 2-by-2-inch photos, your driver's license, the fee and your AAA application. You must have an IDP to drive in Italy.

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      Rent a car. Your travel agent can help you find a good deal, or you can book your own car at a rental car company website. See the Additional Resources section for more details.

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      Know what kind of gas your car takes. Most rental cars either take benzina (unleaded) or gasolio (diesel). If you go to a full-service station, be sure to tell the attendant what type of gas to use.

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      Familiarize yourself with the Italian highway system. The Autostrada (autostrade) roads are tolled interstates that usually run north and south. Follow the green signs when looking for an Autostrada. Strade Comunali are local roads, and Strade Statali are state roads.

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      Know how to read traffic signs. Italy follows the Geneva Convention and uses international road signs. "Uscita" means exit. "Entrata" means entrance. "Divieto di" means prohibited. Use your Italian phrase book to translate other signs.

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      Know what to do if your car breaks down. Move your car to the right side of the road. Foreign motorists can call 803 116 for breakdown service. You also need to contact your car rental agency.

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