How to Drive a Car on Grand Cayman Islands

Driving in the Cayman Islands is a bit different than driving in the U.S., but most experienced and confident drivers will have minimal or no issues adjusting to the changes. If you plan to visit or move to Grand Cayman or any other of the Cayman Islands, it is important that you know the rules of the road before you arrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Valid driver's license
  • Valid driver's insurance
  • Credit card or car
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      Reserve a car for your visit. You can rent a car online (see Resources) or you can call a car rental agency in advance of your trip.

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      Pick up your car and obtain a Visitor's Permit from the rental car agency. A Visitor's Permit is easily obtained with just a few Cayman dollars and a valid driver's license from the U.S., Europe, or most other English-speaking countries. The permit is valid for up to six months. Without a Visitor's Permit, you are driving illegally in the Cayman Islands. However, if you currently have an International Driver's License, a Visitor's Permit is not required.

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      Place children under 12 years old in the back seat with their seatbelts fastened. Children under three years old must be in a car seat designed for their specific height and weight. It is up to the driver to make sure the car seat is installed properly and the child is secure.

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      Obey the traffic rules in the Cayman Islands. In the Cayman Islands, people drive on the left side of the road, which is an adjustment for people from the U.S. and other countries where people drive not he right side of the road.

      Roundabouts often confuse visitors from other countries. When you enter a roundabout, drive cautiously in a clockwise direction and give the right of way to cars entering from the right-hand side; do not stop to allow cars on the left to enter. Use your blinkers to indicate your intention while in the roundabout. Give the right of way to cars in the right-hand lane. You can also turn left on a red light once you have come to a complete stop and verified no cars are approaching from the right.

      Obey all traffic signs and signals.

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