Tourist Attractions in the Grand Cayman Islands

The Grand Cayman Islands consist of three small islands within the Caribbean Sea, totaling 100 square miles in size. Just south of Miami, the Caymans make up the British Oversees Territory and have become known as a vacation paradise to outsiders. Although the main attraction of the Cayman Islands is the bright blue water, there are more things to do than just to sit on the beach. Inland activities are also popular on the Cayman Islands.
  1. Go Snorkeling

    • The crystal clear waters of the Caribbean offer up the perfect setting to go snorkeling. Get a close up look at the Cayman Islands' marine life and take in the bright colors of the coral. According the official Cayman Island website, the waters near the shores of the Cayman Islands are calm and free of currents, making snorkeling there safe and relaxing. Beginners can take advantage of several diving schools in the Cayman Island area, many of which will provide you with both instruction and equipment. Guided tours are available daily on all three islands, which provide a quick way to find the best snorkeling spots.

    Set Sail

    • Boats are as popular in the Caribbean as cars are on the mainland, and guided boat tours are aplenty in the Cayman Islands. Go with your own group or join another for a way to see the islands from afar. Private boats are also available for rent. Go sailing or boat racing or take a relaxing dinner cruise. Rent a catamaran for a private escapade or join a chartered fishing trip or turtle hunting adventure. The activities available when you're out at sea are nearly endless.

    Spend the Night

    • Nighttime is an exciting time on the Cayman Islands. Nightclubs and restaurants in the area never seem to sleep. Grab a bite to eat, catch a show, then dance the night away in one of the islands' many open-air facilities. Catch a glimpse of Cayman culture and watch the sun come up over the islands' white sandy beaches.

    Take a Hike

    • The Cayman Islands offer a unique glimpse of the great outdoors. Hike through the island paradise to catch glimpses of exotic plants and animals. Explore caves, walk through lagoons, and discover secluded beaches. Experienced hikers can try their hands at negotiating some of the Cayman Islands cliffs while beginners may opt to just stand back and enjoy the breathtaking views.

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