The Fastest Method to Remove Old Paint From an Aluminum Aircraft

There are certain responsibilities that come with maintaining a personal aircraft. Painting its aluminum body regularly prevents corrosion, enhancing the life of the aircraft. This requires using proper techniques that comply with safety measures regarding metals, alloys, chemicals and the environment. An eco-friendly paint stripper is essential to the process because improper aircraft paint removal generates waste.

Things You'll Need

  • 702 Aircraft Paint Remover
  • Paint roller or brush
  • Paint scraper
  • Scouring pad or steel wool
  • Hose
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      Clear the area around the aircraft of any obstructions or objects that you do not want exposed to paint or chemicals.

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      Mix a can of 702 Aircraft Paint Remover, a common approach to environmentally safe paint removal. This solvent is nontoxic, free of harmful chemicals and effectively removes multiple layers of finishing from most metal aircraft surfaces, including aluminum.

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      Apply the remover to the body panels of the aircraft, using a paint roller or brush. Begin with a manageable section of the aircraft before coating a new area; an aerosol spray is also available but will require application in larger quantities. Allow the paint remover to set and soften, following the manufacturer's recommendation.

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      Loosen the majority of the paint with a paint scraper.

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      Remove the remaining traces of paint with a scouring pad or fine steel-wool pad. Treat any stubborn remainder with a second application of the paint remover. The solution evaporates quickly enough that it does not cause damage to the underlying aluminum surface.

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      Rinse the aircraft with a hose and water once the paint has been entirely dissolved. Allow to air-dry before preparing the metal for a new finish.

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