How to Eat in Train Restaurants in Europe

Train travel is far more common in Europe than in the United States. With so many nations set so close together, rail is an ideal way to get around without the hassles of air travel. Onboard long distance trains, there are typically restaurant or dining cars. In these cars, meals are served from a limited menu that varies by host country or train origin.

Things You'll Need

  • Rail Ticket for European Long Distance Train
  • Valid Credit Card or Euros
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      Purchase your rail ticket on one of Europe's many long-distance trains. These are the only European trains equipped with a restaurant car. Rail Europe's "What's onboard" feature will help you determine if your train has a dining car.

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      Ask the conductor for the location of the dining car when boarding. It will usually be set between the first- and second-class carriages so that both can gain access without entering the other portion of the train.

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      Listen for an announcement regarding restaurant car reservations. At some point during the ride, your cafe car attendant will make his or her way throughout the train and offer reservations for the next meal. Select your dining time and reserve a table for your party.

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      Make your way to the restaurant car at the time of your reservation. Seating in restaurant cars can be reserved or family-style depending on the availability of tables. This means you may end up sitting alone or with another party.

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